You know that ‘Content’ is the ‘King’ of the digital world. However, every king follows some rules or protocols to rule the world. Content is no different. There are a few Power Writing Rules, content industry swears by. You must follow, rather implement these writing rules in your content, so that, your content stands out and you shine as a writer.
Don’t Write Wordy Content
Overly long sentences will make your content wordy and hard to read. The first power writing rule says, “hard to read = won’t read”. Any word that is not adding value to your write-up, or not taking your content forward, is called a filler word. Delete it. The common filler words are, very, absolutely, suddenly, really, sort of, etc. I will share a list of such filler words in a separate article.
Vary The Sentence Length
So, if you shouldn’t write long sentences, what should you do? Should you only write short sentences to make your content crisp clear and catchy? Read this,
“Content Writing is the king. I wrote this in five words. Five words sentences are fine. Why should I add more? This type of writing is boring. Why should I read this? It feels like a stuck radio.”
If you write all the sentences of the same length, trying to write only short sentences in your content, the writing will become amateur and will be rejected by the reader. To avoid, boredom in your writing create music. Now, read here,
“Content Writing is the latest buzz in the town. Buzz, that’s created by content and ignited by the audience. While writing content, one must pay attention to varying the sentence length, so that, a soothing music is created in the readers’ mind.”
To vary the sentence length you may choose to write a sentence in two words also. However, no two consecutive sentences should be of the same word count. The second power writing rule says, “create music in the readers’ mind while he/she reads your content.”
Replace Abstract Words with Concrete Words
“What new things you have learnt so far, in this article?”
In this sentence, ‘things’ is abstract. Try replacing it with ‘lessons’, and read again.
“What new lessons you have learnt so far in this article?”
Your content becomes powerful. Try to avoid words that are general. Tell the reader clearly what your idea is. The Second Writing Rule says, “Leave the least to readers’ imagination.” Be clear.
Try replacing the transition words with concrete words or powerful verbs. See here an example:
“I was happy to win the writing challenge consecutively for three times.” Now let’s replace the transition words with concrete verbs or words and see the difference in this sentence.
“I felt happy to win the writing challenge consecutively thrice.” 😊 See, I told you!
The third power writing rule is, “Be concrete, delete abstract, and replace the transition words.”
Avoid Redundancy
Redundant phrases have words that will only add to the word count and not the value. If you say, “In my personal opinion,” and delete “personal” from the phrase, your opinion will yet remain personal, and no one will claim it.
There’s a long list of such redundant phrases like 12 midnight, free gift, added bonus, close proximity, mix together, etc. Watch out this space for when I post the updated list of redundant phrases for you.
Power Writing Rule No. 4 says, “Redundancy kills the quality of your content.”
Pay Attention to Punctuation
What a missing comma can do to your content? Let’s compare the two sentences below:
Let’s write my dear friend
Let’s write, my dear friend
I am sure you can make out the drastic difference in the meaning of two sentences with the placement of a comma.
No matter how many years you have spent in writing, there are chances that you go wrong with punctuation. Better invest in a proofing tool like Grammarly to take care of punctuation in your sentences.
Rule five of power writing says, “A missing punctuation is a clear sign of bad writing.”
While the content industry is booming, everyone wants to become a writer. It may or may not be difficult for you to write but adding power to your writing is not easy. However, if you follow the writing rules consistently, you will evolve as a writer.
Stay tuned to my blog for more writing tips. Do not forget to subscribe to get these writing tips in your e-mail.
Happy Writing!
Cover Photo by Clark Tibbs
Exactly what every budding content writer needs. Thank you for these tips 🙂
Very helpful for those who are striving in writing career.
Great tips ! Practicing your writing skills will improve all your English language skills.
Very concise and cleared all my doubts mam 🙏