PR Industry In India & Its Digitisation
The world was moving towards digitization before the Pandemic hit us. At the onset of the deadly virus, life was closed behind the doors, and digitisation shot up. Every industry, including the media and PR Industry In India, had to acclimatize itself to the new normal. Though the PR agencies initially faced technological disruption, yet gradually transforming to brace up the new challenges.
In a country like India, where businesses are all about physical meetings, zoom took over the client interactions in the virtual world. The PR consultants were on tenterhooks in the previous year with the rapid technological disruption. However, rising expectations from corporates and fast-evolving media trends forced the PR Industry to take the purpose-driven approach. For example, PepsiCo’s “Winning with Purpose” came alive during various campaigns in the past year.
Gradually, the domestic PR industry embraced the transition and took over the digital world. Since the internet is ruled by content, the PR professionals in India also accepted ‘Content’ as the king. Extensive usage of Social Media, Whatsapp, Google, and other online platforms created a significant disruption in the brand communication space. However, the challenge was to leverage digital media instead of considering it as an obstacle.
The PR industry evolved as a content expert and mastered the art of creating engaging content with a long shelf-life. From organizing virtual press conferences, book launches, live sessions on Facebook and Instagram to carving a niche with the blog, they ensured to reach their audience in every possible way.
The Rise of Micro-Influencer To Benefit PR Industry
The content evolved from articles written in a formal tone to relatable blogs, interactive videos, and podcasts. Long paragraphs were replaced with infographics and pictorials, and the information was streamed through storytelling.
Here, micro-influencers became an asset to the PR agencies. Instead of reaching out to the masses, the industry decided to target the small segments within the niche through these micro-influencers. These micro-influencers possess the power to influence the buying decisions of their followers. That’s the objective of most campaigns.
The online markets were segmented based on demographics and the psychographics of the audience. Facebook and Instagram advertisements made it easier for agencies since Facebook ads allowed them to choose the audience on specific parameters. PR Professionals shouted aloud to reach their target audience and ensured that their voice was heard. The agencies worked toward the PESO (PaidàEarnedàSharedàOwned Media) model, and most brands have now accepted it.
Transition In Communication
The communications are evolving from setting a tone with texts to expressing emotions with emojis, giphys, stickers, and trending hashtags. The agencies are keeping up with the pace of ever-changing digital algorithms and experimented with the content to a great extent.
As the PR industry is growing, the road ahead is now not limited to newsletters and articles. Apart from just promoting and disseminating information, the agencies should gear up to connect with the audience. The ‘Millennial Board’ of Adfactors will now have young leaders on board who are digitally equipped to innovate ideas to reach the masses through online platforms.
The rise of digitization opened Pandora’s Box for content creators. One of the essential contents from the box is Content Marketing through storytelling, and the PR Experts have mastered it by now. While the industry is still discovering the insides, digitization changes the industry every day, and we are yet to witness the best!
Photo by Dan Counsell
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